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Galloway Station
EDHS Board

Galloway Station Museum & Travel Centre 

The Galloway Station Museum and Travel Centre is located in the heart of Edson, Alberta.

Set in the beautiful RCMP Centennial Park, the Galloway Station Museum & Travel Centre is a jewel on the necklace of the Yellowhead Trail.

Our governing board, the Edson & District Historical Society (EDHS), consists of nine (9) members, including an appointed member from both the Town of Edson and Yellowhead County. The goal of the Edson & District Historical Society is to incite curiosity of local history, foster partnerships, and create an educational welcoming hub for the public while celebrating and promoting the greater community. This includes preserving and protecting local artifacts and history of Edson and area. This is done by overseeing operations of the Galloway Station Museum and Travel Center, as well as the area archives. They are also in trusted in developing, preserving and exhibiting a well-maintained collection in trust for the community, as well as taking a leadership role in research and education on the history of Edson and area. None of this could be done without the amazing team of staff  and volunteers at the Galloway Station Museum and Travel Centre.

Three dedicated full time staff, with the help of hardworking summer students and our incredible volunteers, give life to the Galloway Station Museum & Travel Centre.

We welcome locals and visitors from all over the world to celebrate our history and embrace the mud and muskeg that was our home, and offer a glimpse of the hardships of early settlers who had to battle extreme elements often on a daily basis. We tell stories of those who shaped this raw, rough land into thriving, modern communities.

The Galloway Station Museum will take you back to the early days of the Coal Branch, chronicling the lives of miners from all around the world who risked life and limb to provide for their families.

We help people link past to the present - touting not only geographical attractions of the area, but also historical high points that enrich the experiences, and the lives of locals and travelers.

History. Live it.

Produced by Christopher White from Promethean Heritage & Culture Services.
Thank you very much to our actors:
Trapper – Dave Ward,
Young museum visitors – Keira Gomuwka and Nathan Aslin

1989 Town of Edson promotional video

Family at the museum
Galloway Station Museum logo

223-55th Street

Edson, AB

T7E 1L5


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In the spirit of truth and reconciliation, the Edson & District Historical Society (EDHS) acknowledges that we are on Treaty 6 territory, the traditional and ancestral lands of the Nehiyawak, Saulteaux, Siksika, Piikuni, Kainai, Dene, Nakota Sioux and Otipemisiwak (Metis) Nations. The EDHS further acknowledges the harms done in the past and as a volunteer organization are dedicated to cultivating relationships in the spirit of reconciliation. We welcome the opportunity to continue to live and learn on these lands with mutual respect.

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